Awareness Campaign on Nutrition and Education
19th September, 2022
In observance of Rashtriys Poshan Maah (National Nutrition Week) 2022, an awareness campaign on "Nutrition and Education" was organized by the NSS Unit, HATIM on 19th September 2022. Mrs. Remsangpuii Renthlei, Dietician Christian Hospital, Serkawn delivered a lecture among the students to strengthen nutritional content, delivery, outreach and outcomes with a focus on developing practices that nurture health, wellness and immunity to disease and malnutrition. The lecture was followed by interaction and Q&A session.
Prime Minister's Overaching Scheme for Holistic Nutrition (POSHAN) Abhiyaan which is also known as National Nutrition Mission is the central government’s flagship programme whose objective is to ensure community mobilisation and bolster people’s participation for addressing malnutrition amongst young children, and women and to ensure health and nutrition for everyone.

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